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Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida avkastning. Pengar som placeras i fonder kan både öka och minska i värde. Det är inte säkert att du får tillbaka hela det insatta kapitalet.


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Cliens Kapitalförvaltning AB is an active manager who, based on independent analysis, invests in quality companies to create long-term sustainable value for its investors. Cliens is a partner-owned and independent fund management company regulated by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. 

Cliens operate in the equity and fixed income markets space and offer both our own investments funds as well as discretionary asset management services. Currently, the firm has nine actively managed investment funds.

Our team consist of experienced portfolio managers primarily investing in Nordic portfolio companies.

Cliens Sverige Fokus

AUM:  195 MEUR
Fund manager: Thomas Brodin
Inception Date: 2011-03-31
Benchmark: SIX Return Index
Fund summary: Cliens Sverige Fokus is a concentrated fund focused on Swedish equities, the fund holds 20-25 companies.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Sverige

Fund manager: Roger Hedberg
Inception date: 2004-12-31
Benchmark: SIX Return Index
Fund summary: Cliens Sverige is a concentrated fund focused on Swedish equities, the fund normally holds 25-40 companies.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Småbolag

AUM: 2435 MEUR
Fund manager: Carl Sundblad
Inception date: 2016-09-30
Benchmark: Carnegie Small Cap Return Index
Fund summary: Cliens Småbolag is a concentrated fund focused on Swedish small- and midcaps, the fund normally holds 25-35 companies.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Small & Micro Cap

Fund manager: Johanna Ahlqvist & Carl Sundblad
Inception date: 2023-11-30
Benchmark: 50 % Carnegie Small Cap Return Index / 50 % Carnegie Micro Cap Return Index
Fund summary: Cliens Small & Micro Cap is a concentrated daily traded UCITS fund focused on Swedish and Nordic small caps defined as those with less than 0.5% of the total market value of all shares listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. The fund normally holds c. 40 companies.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Micro Cap

Fund manager: Carl Sundblad
Inception date: 2020-09-30
Benchmark: Carnegie Micro Cap Return Index
Fund summary: Cliens Micro Cap is a concentrated fund focused on Swedish micro Caps, the fund normally holds 25-35 companies.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Mixfond

Fund manager: Johanna Ahlqvist and Wilhelm Högström
Inception date: 2004-12-31
Benchmark: 50% SIX Return Index / 50% Solactive SEK IG Credit Index
Fund summary: Cliens Mixfond is an unconstrained active managed fund
that allocates between fixed income securities and equities. It will always
hold at least 25% of any of the asset classes.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Global Småbolag

Fund manager: Niklas Larsson
Inception date: 2021-10-29
Benchmark: MSCI World Small Cap TR Net Index
Fund summary: Cliens Global Småbolag is an active managed equity fund that is focused on small and medium-sized companies on the global markets.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens Företagsobligationer

Fund manager: Wilhelm Högström
Inception Date: 2018-03-19
Benchmark: 60 % Solactive SEK FRN IG Corporates Index / 40 % Solactive SEK Fix IG Corporate Index
Fund summary: Cliens Corporate Bonds is an active managed fixed income fund that mainly invests in corporate bonds with high credit ratings, both Swedish and foreign. Investments in foreign currency are hedged.

Sustainability Related Disclosures

Cliens FRN Företagsobligationer

Fund manager: Wilhelm Högström
Inception Date: 2011-03-31
Benchmark: Solactive SEK IG FRN Corporate Index
Fund summary: Cliens FRN Corporate Bond is an active managed money market fund that invests in fixed-income instruments denominated in Swedish kronor. 

Sustainability Related Disclosures

In addition to the fund management, the firm manages discretionary mandates on behalf of institutional clients. Cliens Kapitalförvaltning manages a total of 42 billion SEK (3,7 billion euro) in funds and discretionary mandates.

Cliens Kapitalförvaltning AB is approved by the Swedish Finansinspektionen
(The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority).

Cliens Asset Management Team: 

Thomas Brodin
Primary portfolio manager, Cliens Sverige Fokus

Jonas Gustafson
Portfolio manager

Carl Sundblad
Primary portfolio manager, Cliens Småbolag, Cliens Micro Cap and Cliens Small & Micro Cap

Johanna Ahlqvist
Primary portfolio manager, Cliens Mixfond and Cliens Small & Micro Cap

Niklas Larsson
Primary portfolio manager, Cliens Global Småbolag

Wilhelm Högström
Portfolio manager, Fixed Income

Roger Hedberg
Primary portfolio manager, Cliens Sverige


Martin Öqvist, CEO
Phone: +46 8 400 515 27
Cell: +46 736 750 670
E-mail: martin.oqvist@cliens.se

If you are interested in our company or investing in our funds, please contact:

Tomas Henriks
Head of Sales and Marketing
Phone: +46 8 506 503 96
Cell: +46 702 28 18 98
E-mail: tomas.henriks@cliens.se

Contacting Cliens regarding market soundings

Market soundings are carried out, inter alia, to assess the interest of potential investors in a possible transaction and its pricing, size and structuring. Market soundings are important for the proper functioning of capital markets. Market soundings may involve an initial public offering or subsequent offerings of securities, and are distinct from regular trading. 

Cliens is generally interested in participating in market soundings. 

If Cliens does not wish to participate in future market soundings concerning, for example, a certain type of transaction or in relation to a certain information provider, this will be communicated in a special order. 

In accordance with the market abuse regulations, MAR, Cliens has appointed special contact persons for market soundings as described below. 

For market soundings on the stock market, the primary contact persons are Carl Sundblad, Roger Hedberg or Thomas Brodin. If none of these persons are available, information may be provided to another person in Cliens' portfolio management team. In such cases, the information should be provided to the person in the fund management department who, given the fund he or she manages, can be assumed to be most suitable for the market sounding in question. 

For market soundings in the fixed income market, Wilhelm Högström is the contact person. For market soundings regarding global small caps Niklas Larsson is the contact person.

Fasad 33 (2)


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